Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Killhouse Remake Week7?? Props?

So not what I was really expecting with either with this post. I ran into several issues with my Unreal project kind of breaking on me. I think it had something to do with the ray-tracing settings I enabled and it bugging it out but I wasn't able to properly add or remove lights anymore and the whole scene just wasn't rendering. I'm sure its something simple but I thought rather than waste time troubleshooting the problem I would go in and see how many props I can make for the scene so I don't have to rely on asset packs and Megascans which is what I was planning on using for the filler objects. I was able to make all these props in a week (not really counting the tires since I borrowed them from a different project and gave them a material).

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Killhouse Remake Week 6 | Shipping Container Pt 2

Finished the shipping container and have it in engine. Did 3 texture variations. Still have so much to do!!!!!! But at least these are done.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Killhouse Remake Week 5 | Shipping Container

Working on the shipping container model this week. High-poly very close to finished. Low-poly close behind.


Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Killhouse Remake Week 4

Still working on the level. Lots to do in the next few weeks that are left. I feel like its coming along pretty well. I dipped my toes into the shader graph a bit more and created this fake fog effect I have attached to my lights, as well as two blend materials. Thanks YouTube! I made major progress on the overall and lighting which I am starting to become happy with. Still need more material variety. Got to model shipping containers now those blocks with normal maps on it just aren't cutting it. Here is my progress:

Shader stuff: